Acasa Diverse Apple lanseaza iOS 7.1

Apple lanseaza iOS 7.1

by Dragos Schiopu

Astazi Apple a lansat noul iOS 7.1, fiind disponibil pentru download tuturor device-urilor Apple. De aceasta data iOS 7.1 blocheaza jailbrake-ului. Noutatile noului sistem de operare constau in mai multe functii, unele noi iar altele refacute. Noul sistem Carplay cu care Apple se lauda deja de ceva timp este gata, urmeaza a fi folosit, iar printre celelalte schimbari se gasesc noul design al iconitelor aplicatiilor, meniurile aplicatiei Settings, noutati privind Siri si iTunes Radio, o noua optiune ce inregistreaza automat poze HDR pentru iPhone 5S.

Optiune noua ce ofera control asupra functiei Reduce Motion in diverse aplicatii dar si implementarea posibilitatii de a sterge fisierele descarcate OTA Update-urilor, rezolvarea problemelor Touch ID, bug fix-uri si altele dar si noi modalitati de a face ca batranul iPhone 4 sa se miste mai decent.

Una din cele mai mari modificari consta in faptul ca au introdus textul din tastatura si de slide cu bold dar si noile butoane de inchidere si initiere a apelurilor. Lista completa de modificari a fost publicata si de catre cei de la Apple:

iOS experience designed for the car
Simply connect your iPhone to a CarPlay enabled vehicle
Supports Phone, Music, Maps, Messages, and 3rd-party audio apps
Control with Siri and the car’s touchscreen, knobs, and buttons
Manually control when Siri listens by holding down the home button while you speak and releasing it when you’re done as an alternative to letting Siri automatically notice when you stop talking
New, more natural sounding male and female voices for Mandarin Chinese, UK English, Australian English, and Japanese
iTunes Radio
Search field above Featured Stations to easily create stations based on your favorite artist or song
Buy albums with the tap of a button from Now Playing
Subscribe to iTunes Match on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to enjoy iTunes Radio ad-free
Option to display events in month view
Country specific holidays automatically added for many countries
Bold font option now includes the keyboard, calculator, and many icon glyphs
Reduce Motion option now includes Weather, Messages, and multitasking UI animations
New options to display button shapes, darken app colors, and reduce white point

New Camera setting to automatically enable HDR for iPhone 5s
iCloud Keychain support in additional countries
FaceTime call notifications are automatically cleared when you answer a call on another device
Fixes a bug that could occasionally cause a home screen crash
Improves Touch ID fingerprint recognition
Improved performance for iPhone 4
Fixes display of Mail unread badge for numbers greater than 10,000
Continued user interface refinements

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