Cu doar cateva momente in urma, compania americana Apple a anuntat ca WWDC 2014 (The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference) – evenimentul anual dedicat dezvoltatorilor – va avea loc anul acesta intre 2 si 6 iunie.
Ce este WWDC?
WWDC este o conferinta anuala sustinuta de compania din California. Aceasta conferinta este utilizata in principal de Apple pentru a prezenta software-uri si tehnologii noi pentru dezvoltatori. Numarul de participanti variaza de obicei între 2000 la 4200 de dezvoltatori, insa la o conferinta din 2007, Steve Jobs ar fi afirmat ca in sala erau mai mult de 5000 de participanti.
Pentru a participa la aceasta conferinta, toti participantii trebuie sa semneze un acord de nedivulgare care acopera „sesiunile si alte materiale inmanate la WWDC”.
Unde are loc anul acesta?
Anul acesta conferinta este organizata de catre Apple in Moscone West Center din San Francisco, la fel ca si in ani precedenti.
Ce se va prezenta?
Precum si in alti ani, anul acesta se vor prezenta noutati, insa ceea ce este cel mai important, iOS 8 va fi prezentat si disponibil pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii. Pe langa aceasta noutate, Apple va prezenta OS X 10.10 Syrah si probabil un nou model al MacBook Air cu un design modificat.
Mai jos aveti anuntul oficial, in limba engleza, facut de catre compania din San Francisco
„Developers Can Apply for WWDC Tickets Starting Today:
CUPERTINO, California—April 3, 2014—Apple® today announced that it will hold its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) June 2 through June 6 at San Francisco’s Moscone West. At this year’s five-day conference, developers from around the world will learn about the future of iOS and OS X®, giving them the latest tools and technologies to continue creating the most innovative apps for the millions of iOS and Mac® customers worldwide. WWDC will feature more than 100 technical sessions, over 1,000 Apple engineers, hands-on labs to help developers integrate new technologies and fine tune their apps, as well as the Apple Design Awards which showcase the best apps from the past year.
Developers can apply for tickets via the WWDC website ( now through Monday, April 7 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, and tickets will be issued to attendees through random selection. Developers will know their status by Monday, April 7 at 5:00 p.m. PDT. There will also be 200 Student Scholarships available, giving students around the world the chance to earn a free ticket ( This year the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) and its alliance partners will help promote scholarships to female engineers and coders.
“We have the most amazing developer community in the world and have a great week planned for them,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Every year the WWDC audience becomes more diverse, with developers from almost every discipline you can imagine and coming from every corner of the globe. We look forward to sharing with them our latest advances in iOS and OS X so they can create the next generation of great apps.”
WWDC 2014 activities include:
- More than 100 technical sessions presented by Apple engineers on a wide range of topics for developing, deploying and integrating the latest iOS and OS X technologies;
- more than 1,000 Apple engineers supporting over 100 hands-on labs and events to provide developers with code-level assistance, insight into optimal development techniques and guidance on how they can make the most of iOS and OS X technologies in their apps;
- the latest innovations, features and capabilities of iOS and OS X, and how to enhance an app’s functionality, performance, quality and design;
- the opportunity to connect with thousands of fellow iOS and OS X developers from around the world—last year more than 60 countries were represented;
- a new series of get togethers for attendees focused on particular topics with special guest speakers and activities;
- engaging and inspirational lunchtime sessions with leading minds and influencers from the worlds of technology, science and entertainment; and
- Apple Design Awards which recognize iPhone®, iPad® and Mac apps that demonstrate technical excellence, innovation and outstanding design.
Monday’s State of the Union session and the Apple Design Awards will be live streamed via the WWDC website giving more developers around the world access to the latest information in real time. Videos from all technical sessions will be posted throughout the week on the Apple Developer website ( and will be available to all registered developers. „