Câțiva programatori au reușit să facă overclocking pe un N9, modificând frecvența procesorului de la 1 Ghz la 1.1 Ghz, pe versiunea de soft PR 1.2 cu kernel original, nemodificat.
Detalii despre procesul de overclocking:
first install inception, and everything on that site including opensh and aegisctl
assuming you copy the 2 .ko files to MyDocs
run these commands:opensh
cd MyDocs
cp *.ko /lib/modules/
/usr/sbin/aegisctl -k
/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/
/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/
echo 1100000000 > /proc/opptimizerThat will give you 1.1Ghz. I don’t guarantee it’s safe, just given as example.
If your phone reboots you went too high
You probably have to type opensh + the last 4 commands again unless the phone didn’t fully reboot.
If you reboot for any reason you have to do that again.
Revenirea la setările inițiale se face ținând tasta Power apăsată timp de 10 secunde. Mai multe detalii despre procedura de overclocking aici.