Facebook planifica integrarea unui serviciu streaming de muzica in platforma sa, iar cel mai probabil, pe panoul din stanga va aparea o noua optiune denumita Music. Prin acest serviciu, utilizatorii vor putea accesa o noua pagina numita Music Dashboard pentru a putea vedea melodii recomandate de catre prieteni sau cele mai ascultate melodii ascultate de catre prieteni etc.
Planificarea acestui serviciu pe pagina de Facebook:
- In the left-hand column, right where Facebook lists Photos, Friends, Places, Groups, Deals, Pages, and Games, you will find a new tab called Music. This tab will show up if a user has listened to music with one of Facebook’s partner music services.
- Clicking on this new tab will open a page called Music Dashboard.
- The Persistent Playback/Pause Button at the bottom of the Facebook page, where currently you have the chat icon. This button essentially is like a quick snapshot and controller of the music experience. Mouse over it and you can see what is playing on whatever service you might be logged into using Facebook Connect. It also allows you to play or pause a track once you discover it on Facebook. It is also linked to the play buttons in the news feed.
- A page with snapshot of all the songs you have listened to on any specific service and also your top tracks and the number of times you have listened to those tracks.
Music Dashboard va avea urmatoarele caracteristici:
- notoficari – prin intermediul acestei caracteristici, puteti vedea daca prietenii tai au ascultat melodii recomandate de tine sau pe profilul tau.
- melodii recomandate – puteţi obţine o lista de melodii ascultate si recomandate de catre prietenii tai.
- topul melodiilor ascutate de catre prieteni.
- topul albumelor ascultate de catre prieteni, incluzand coperta acestora.
- melodii ascultate recent de catre prieteni.
- in coltul din dreapta sus va exista optiunea „Happening now”, aceasta va arata ce se intampla in „universul” vostru social, dar si muzical.