Aflăm câteva impresii despre Windows Phone 8 rulând pe un Lumia 900 de la un utilizator de pe internet:
- From a developers stand point it’s horrible, apps will have to be rewritten to take advantage of new APIs.
- There’s a huge cloud push too! From an end users perspective, there’s a lot of nice touches here & there. It looks mostly unchanged. But there’s a few subtle & welcomed UI changes.
- No file explorer or browser downloads implemented yet. But that could change. I was on an early release.
- BT file transfer & USB storage to be added on latter build.
- Oh WP8 browser renders incredibly fast!!!!
- I was using an early release. Multitasking was the same. No file management or browser downloads either. Hopefully it makes it.
- I loved it. Animations are incredibly fast. Keyboard spelling is a lot more flexible.
- Appears to be fast organized app switching. Kinda like iOS. Doesn’t actually multitask like android or Symbian. Yet.
- Clicking on app tiles, some apps reload. Some continue where you last left off.
- Roast (tile :P) & toast notifications seem untouched.
Deși este o versiune în plină dezvoltare, aflăm că Windows Phone 8 este extrem de rapid, are un browser ce se încarcă foarte repede, va suporta transferuri de fișiere prin BT și USB storage, animații mai rapide, acelasi multitasking ca la WP7.
Sursa: http://aminulahsan.tumblr.com/post/22756373226/windows-phone-8-early-build